Saturday, December 31, 2011

How to care the hair of baby

How to care the hair of baby

  • Wash your baby's head up one or two times a week, using a mild soap or a bit of baby shampoo.
  • Your child has yellowish crusts on the scalp (called "hat" or seborrhea of the head )? Generally, this problem falls into place naturally. However, it may be necessary to wash his hair more often, with a non-medicated baby shampoo. To clear his scabs, apply a small amount of mineral oil, almond or olive oil on his scalp, and brush it a few hours later.
  • You want to take your baby to the hairdresser for the first time? Enjoy your visit to your own hairdresser. Thereafter, you can go to a salon designed for children with high seats, TV, games ...
  • You prefer to cut off your own hair? For your convenience, make it a center parting and cut his hair while they are dry. Be very careful with the scissors, your toddler will want to touch or catch them. In addition, it may be injured by moving because he does not like being locked.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How to care the teeth of baby

How to care the teeth of baby

  • Toddlers do not like to brush our teeth . To get your baby to the measure of hygiene, clean his gums after feeding using a washcloth or a washcloth before it has teeth.
  • You can begin brushing at the onset of her first tooth. For added comfort, sit on a couch, a bed or on the ground. Ask her head on your lap. As soon as he can stand up, put you both in front of a mirror: sit on a chair, and stand behind him.
  • Start with a push from her lips of your free hand and then brush her teeth vertically, always going the gum to the tips of the teeth.
  • Leave it to rinse and spit out the water if able. Do not use fluoride toothpaste before he could spit: swallowing too much fluoride can cause white spots on teeth. Use a small amount (the equivalent of a grain of rice) of fluoride toothpaste to get him used to the taste of the dough and make him spit it out.
  • Do not share your toothbrush (or that of your other children) with your baby: he must have his own to avoid coming into contact with the bacteria that cause tooth decay.
  • Since children love to imitate, brush your teeth before him, just before brushing his.
  • According to the Canadian Dental Association, you can bring your child to the dentist at age 1 year or 6 months after the onset of her first tooth, to get used to the exam. But your dentist may wish to wait until all her teeth had pierced before the review and conduct a cleanup.
  • To prevent tooth decay, do not put your baby to bed with a bottle .

Saturday, December 3, 2011

How to care the nails of baby

How to care the nails of baby

  • During the first days of life of the newborn, the nails are fully bonded to the skin and you should not cut, because you may cut the skin at the same time. To help the nails to peel off the skin, you can gently massage them throughout the bath.
  • Wait until the nails are long enough before cutting, and choose a good time to do so: for example, after bathing your child, when it is calm and relaxed or when sleeping. Teach them gradually to this routine.
  • Remember toenails: to ensure that they are embodied, cut-rights, on one side to another, so that the corners are relatively long. However, it is advisable to slightly round the corners of the fingernails, so your baby does not scratched.
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