Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How to take the bath for baby

how to take the bath for baby

During the nine months that the baby spent in the womb, the water has been its natural environment. Generally, the baby loves be bathed. And now the bathroom is also the opportunity to meet, exchange smiles, hugs ... The more you are calm and confident, the more it will be.
  • When?
   -  In the morning? In the afternoon? The evening? You choose the time that suits you. Bath time can be an opportunity for fun and relaxation.
   -  It is not necessary to bathe a baby daily. A bath every two days or three days is sufficient. However, often clean her face and hands with a clean cloth, then clean his genitals and buttocks while changing his diaper. Especially, do not use soap or cleanser the first days after birth.
    - And if his navel unhealed? Fear not: the bath will not cause infection of the cord. But if you prefer, you can wash your baby with warm water, using a washcloth or a washcloth. Clean her face, ears, neck and the underside of the arms, hands, and finally the genitals and buttocks. So it does not cold, the ideal temperature of the room should be between 22 ° C (71 ° F) and 24 ° C (75 ° F).
    - If growing up, your baby tends to have dry skin , just give him a bath every 2 or 3 days. The rest of the week, you can wash with a washcloth. You can also moisturize the skin after bathing or as needed, with a fragrance-free cream base (as a basis Glaxal).
  • Where?
   - In a plastic baby tub in a sink or a clean sink filled with 8 cm to 12 cm of water (3 in. to 5 in.). The ideal temperature is 37 ° C (98 ° F), which equals the average temperature of the human body. Even if you use a thermometer, better check the water temperature with your elbow.
    - Never fill the bath while the baby is there, because a sudden increase in water temperature could burn severely. It is recommended to fill the tub, check the temperature of the water, then place the child in it.

It's tough to undress ...
Your baby cries when you take away his clothes and his bed? It's a perfectly normal reaction. It just feels a bit vulnerable! Everything should get better in the water, and also after bathing, when it is wrapped in a towel.

    - To prevent your baby from slipping, you can place a small towel in the bottom of the tub. In any case, never leave your child alone, not even a second!
    - Your baby can take a bath with you. But beware! when you know, his little body becomes very slippery. Hold it so well!
  • How?
    - Prepare in advance all the equipment you need and put it close at hand: a mild soap, a towel, coat , etc.. Always use a cleaner with a pH neutral and is designed for babies. Avoid conventional soaps, bubble baths and other scented products, which can irritate the skin.
    - If he soiled his diaper, wipe his buttocks before immersing in the bath, so you wash it with clean water.
    - To keep safe, place your forearms on his head and one hand under your armpit. Clean it with the other hand.
    - Dry it thoroughly by patting with a towel and with particular attention to the folds of his neck and thighs, or it may have redness in these areas.

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